Saturday, September 21, 2019

Let Me Stay & With All My Love (能不能 & 一生愛祢)

能不能 (Neng Bu Neng) / Let Me Stay

我屬於祢 祢是我永遠的福分
Wo Shu Wu Ni Ni Shi Wo Yong Yuan De Fu Fen
Lord, I am Yours, You are my portion evermore

Zhi Xiang Ri Ye Zai Ni Dian Zhong Xian Shang Jing Bai
Every night and day, here in Your court, I worship

Ding Jing Zai Ni De Rong Mei Shi Shang Yi Qie Bian An Dan
Let me gaze upon Your face All else will fade away

除祢以外 我還能有誰
Chu Ni Yi Wai Wo Hai Neng You Shei
There’s no one else for me but You

能不能 就讓我留在祢的同在裡
Neng Bu Neng Jiu Rang Wo Liu Zai Ni De Tong Zai Li
Let me stay, I want to stay right here in Your embrace

能不能 賜我力量讓我更多愛祢
Neng Bu Neng Ci Wo Li Liang Rang Wo Geng Duo Ai Ni
Let me stay, Give me the strength to love You more each day

我哪都不想去 只想日夜在祢殿中
Wo Na Dou Bu Xiang Qu Zhi Xiang Ri Ye Zai Ni Dian Zhong
There is no other place I would rather be than here, Lord

獻上敬拜 全心全意來愛祢
Xian Shang Jing Bai Quan Xin Quan Yi Lai Ai Ni
With all my heart With all I am, I worship

一生愛祢 (Yi Sheng Ai Ni) / With All My Love

一生愛祢 一生敬拜祢
Yi Sheng Ai Ni, Yi Sheng Jing Bai Ni
With all my love, I will worship You

一生愛祢 一生榮耀祢
Yi Sheng Ai Ni, Yi Sheng Rong Yao Ni
With all my life, glorify Your name

一生奉獻 一生不回頭
Yi Sheng Feng Xian, Yi Sheng Bu Hui Tou
I give my life, never turn away

一生愛祢 跟隨祢
Yi Sheng Ai Ni, Gen Sui Ni
I will love You all my days



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