Saturday, August 13, 2022

Deeply, I Worship - 深深地敬拜 - Shen Shen De Jing Bai


揚聲呼喊 耶穌我愛祢
Yang sheng hu han Ye Su wo ai Ni
My heart is crying, Jesus, I Love You
高舉雙手 讓我奔向祢
Gao ju shuang shou rang wo ben xiang Ni
My hands are lifted, Reaching out for You
我的耶穌 為我捨命 愛我的救主
Wo de Ye Su wei wo she ming ai wo de Jiu Zhu
Oh, my Jesus, My Redeemer, gave Your life for me
我真渴慕 遇見祢
Wo zhen ke mu wu jian Ni
I desire to see Your face

深深地敬拜 深深地獻上我的愛
Shen shen de jing bai shen shen de xian shang wo de ai
Deeply, I worship, Deeply, I give You all my love
Yi sheng zhi yuan yong sheng ming lai hui ying Ni de Ai
I just want to spend my life on loving You, oh Lord
深深地敬拜 深深地渴慕祢同在
Shen shen de jing bai shen shen de ke mu Ni tong zai
Deeply, I worship, Deeply, I yearn for You alone
願我更多被祢吸引 與祢心連心
Yuan wo geng duo bei Ni xi yin yu Ni xin lian xin
Draw me closer, in Your presence, Let me feel Your heart

Saturday, June 11, 2022

You Are Our God - 我們的神 - Wo Men De Shen

 祢說話 命立就立 
Ni shuo hua, ming li jiu li
When You spoke, It came to be

祢吹氣 就得生命
Ni chui qi, jiu de sheng ming
By Your word, You breathed new life

Wan wu qi chang 'Ha Li Lu Ya'
All creatures sing 'Hallelujah'

Sheng zai sheng zai sheng zai
Holy, Holy, Holy!

我們的神 坐在寶座上
Wo men de Shen, zuo zai bao zuo shang
You Are Our God, seated on the throne

聖殿充滿榮耀 萬民敬拜
Sheng dian chong man rong yao, wan min jing bai
Robed in glory, and power, we worship You

全能的神 我們尊崇祢
Quan neng de Shen, wo men zun chong Ni
Almighty God, we exalt Your name

聖潔榮耀 尊貴 能力 都歸於祢
Sheng jie rong yao, zun gui neng li, dou gui yu Ni
All the honor, and power, and praise, belongs to You


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